Posts Tagged ‘westercon2012’

Road Trip 6 – Sunday at Westercon

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Got up early this morning to get everything packed up.  Did so, ate food, packed a lunch, loaded everything into the car, checked out of the room and then went to an 11am panel.  The panel, on converting text to e-books, was well attended and I took some notes.  Four panelists with entirely different toolsets and goals. (more…)

Road Trip 5 – Saturday at Westercon

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Got moving earlier in the day.  Went to a few panels, and picked up lunch from Hospitality.  Talked to a couple of random fen there, mostly about Westercons past.  Lots of people recall Westercon 44, in Vancouver. (more…)

Road Trip 4 – Friday at Westercon

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Woke up earlier than I expected after being up till 3am.  Got ready to go out, slowly.  Ate breakfast, took a shower, etc.

Went to an 11:00am panel, but decided the next couple were dumb, and wandered a bit.  Looked at the art show – cool stuff, bigger than last Westercon, bigger than Baycon, but everyone says smaller than Norwescon – and am glad nothing demands I take it home.  Dealers room was similar.  Picked up some unusual comic books (which are small, so I can get them home) and didn’t buy the deliciously steampunk cane.  May try and find some books tomorrow. (more…)

Road Trip 3 – Thursday at Westercon

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Got to the con a little late.  Made it to the “Closing Ceremonies” a little late.  The con is apparently caught in a time warp and scheduled backwards.  Several people tried to explain that to me and I didn’t get it till I got there.
