I’ll be teaching a very informal class on Perl to a couple of folks I know. We’ve got two days scheduled, and I’ve suggested they get chromatic’s Modern Perl as a ‘textbook’. I plan on covering what variables are, how program flow works, functions, and objects via Moose. I’ll also discuss installing Perl on Windows and Linux. What am I forgetting? (more…)
Author Archive
Teaching Perl…
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012Road Trip Wrap Up
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012I got home last night from my long trip, safe and sound. The end of the trip had an extra hassle or two, but they are overcome and will only cost a little to fix…
Quick review: The Dark Knight Rises
Saturday, July 21st, 2012Saw The Dark Knight Rises with Mom and Dad. In short, very well done movie. I enjoyed the ending, which had a twist that caught me and then was satisfying. It left enough hooks for a sequel but doesn’t require one. A satisfying Big Summer Action movie and conclusion to this Batman series. (more…)
A Visit To A Shinto Shrine
Friday, July 20th, 2012Yesterday, my Mother and I drove to the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America. It is a Shinto shrine – the only one in the continental United States – located in Granite Falls. It’s a little over a half an hour from Mom and Dad’s house, up into the mountains. It’s in a lush green spot, right on the Pilchuck river. (more…)
Road Trip 7 Addendum – Moonrise Kingdom
Friday, July 13th, 2012Went out this evening with Mom and Dad and saw Wes Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom”. It was a charming little film with all sorts of characters in odd situations. I enjoyed it very much, but I like Mr. Anderson’s movies.
The cast was full of excellent people, and the plot was sweet and odd at the same time. A pair of misfit kids falls for one another and won’t be kept apart. Love conquers all.
Road Trip 7 – Friday afternoon
Friday, July 13th, 2012I’ve had to work this week, so haven’t done much interesting. Today’s been a bit odd as we’ve had flaky electricity and Internet due to a huge thunderstorm that’s moving past. Giant, rolling peals of thunder shaking the buildings. It’s made work a challenge.
More next week, when I’m on vacation again.
Road Trip 6 – Sunday at Westercon
Sunday, July 8th, 2012Got up early this morning to get everything packed up. Did so, ate food, packed a lunch, loaded everything into the car, checked out of the room and then went to an 11am panel. The panel, on converting text to e-books, was well attended and I took some notes. Four panelists with entirely different toolsets and goals. (more…)
Road Trip 5 – Saturday at Westercon
Saturday, July 7th, 2012Got moving earlier in the day. Went to a few panels, and picked up lunch from Hospitality. Talked to a couple of random fen there, mostly about Westercons past. Lots of people recall Westercon 44, in Vancouver. (more…)
Road Trip 4 – Friday at Westercon
Saturday, July 7th, 2012Woke up earlier than I expected after being up till 3am. Got ready to go out, slowly. Ate breakfast, took a shower, etc.
Went to an 11:00am panel, but decided the next couple were dumb, and wandered a bit. Looked at the art show – cool stuff, bigger than last Westercon, bigger than Baycon, but everyone says smaller than Norwescon – and am glad nothing demands I take it home. Dealers room was similar. Picked up some unusual comic books (which are small, so I can get them home) and didn’t buy the deliciously steampunk cane. May try and find some books tomorrow. (more…)
Road Trip 3 – Thursday at Westercon
Thursday, July 5th, 2012Got to the con a little late. Made it to the “Closing Ceremonies” a little late. The con is apparently caught in a time warp and scheduled backwards. Several people tried to explain that to me and I didn’t get it till I got there.