Author Archive

Story 154: Silver Nemesis (MST3k)

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Original air date November 1988.

This was the 25th anniversary episode of Doctor Who.  It had Ace and the 7th Doctor, Sylvest McCoy. I’d never seen either of them before.  I saw it at Westercon on a panel where they covered it like Mystery Science Theatre 3000.  It deserved that treatment.

Doctor Who being cancelled should be no surprise after things like this.  More when I get to it.


Story 003: The Edge of Destruction

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Original air dates February 1964.

A short one, with only two episodes!


Story 002: The Daleks

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Original air dates December 1963 through February 1964.

The second story is long, and has Doctor Who’s foe, the Daleks in it.


Story 001: An Unearthly Child

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Original air dates November, December 1963.

The very first episode of Doctor Who starts with little explanation of the weird title sequence and sci-fi electronic music.  All that fades away to an ordinary high school.


Watching Doctor Who — All of It!

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

I had an itch lately to watch some Doctor Who, and decided to watch as much of it as I can, in order.

This started with my realizing Ihad never seen a full story with Hartnell or Troughton as the Doctor, and reading a review of a much improved release of a Pertwee story,


DBIx::Class Talk at SVPerl

Friday, June 7th, 2013

I was the speaker again at this month’s Silicon Valley Perl meeting.  This is because my talk about Catalyst wound up mentioning Template Toolkit and DIBx::Class so much they wanted to hear more.  I went and gave them more.

Here are the slides I used for the talk.  There was no sample code this time – I used that from the examples, which means you can get it all from CPAN.  Links are in the slides, and questions are welcome.

Template Toolkit Talk at SVPerl

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

I gave a talk on Template Toolkit at the Sillicon Valley Perl meeting. I used these Template Toolkit Slides as I talked. Except I think I corrected the typos when I got home. =)

It’s a fun group, and I always enjoy going, even when I’m the speaker.

Raspberry Pi Media Player

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

I wonder if I could build a Squeezebox-compaitble media device out of a Raspberry Pi.  It would mean I could get as many as I needed.

Raspberry Pi, $50ish, with case, etc.

That has sound already.  If it’s crappy, plug in a $100 Total Bithead.  If you want to go whole hog, get a $500 Headroom Micro DAC and Headroom Micro Amp.  You’ll even get a big knob and all the nice ports on the front.

Way less than a Transporter, but no shiny displays.

If I could get “good enough” sound for $50, with a DIY software set from the Internet, that’d rock.  It’d rock especially hard if I could make it do the software sync, too, but that might require changes to the Logitech Media Center.

EDIT: After thirty seconds of searching the Internet, yes, it can do this.  Someone else has done the hard part, even.  Neat.



Logitech Media Manager and Perl 5.16

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

I have some Logitech Squeezeboxes.  Some of the older Slim Devices ones, too, actually, but they work together well.

The nice people at Logitech have dropped the Squeezebox line to make a new cloud-based product.  Not my cup of tea.

Problem: The Logitech Media Server software is old and balky, and installing it is a pain on new systems, because it includes binary versions of Perl modules.

Solution: Install perlbrew for the squeezebox user, install a supported Perl version there, and tweak the #! lines to use that squeezebox user’s perl install.

The right perl works fine, and since it’s in ~squeezebox, it won’t get screwed up when SuSE upgrades.

WAY easier than trying to fix the idiosyncratic Logitech Media Server software!


Loricraft PRC6 Record Cleaning Machine

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

I ordered a Loricraft PRC6 Record Cleaning Machine early this month, and it arrived today while I was out.  I’ve got it unpacked, but not all set up yet.  I’m excited to try it, but I know if I do I’ll be up all night playing records and messing with it.  So, sleep first.  Record cleaning tomorrow.